Construction of the Mission Center in Santo Domingo Xenacoj Guatemala

The new mission center will help the ministry perform all of its functions efficiently from a central location. The following are the major goals of the mission center:

  • House short term and long term mission team housing
  • Store all mission vehicles
  • Maintain all mission vehicles and equipment
  • Pre-fabrication of all housing components (The Living Stone Project)
  • Storage of all raw materials for the prefabricated houses
  • Meeting place for the local community to be discipled.
  • Emergency response location for the local community

There are five buildings that will be constructed on the one acre site. The site is located in the department of Sacatepequez and in the town of Santo Domingo Xenacoj. In addition to the five main buildings, short term missionaries will be housed in the same buildings the ministry constructs for the Living Stone Project. These houses are prefabricated structures that the mission assembles at the project sites.

Workshop Elevation
Workshop Elevation
Mission Center Plan
Mission Center Plan
Main Building Rendering
Main Building Rendering